Been a long hiatus since my last post. Experiencing the lack of enthusiasm having a blog to share my thoughts. Guess I will have to curb it. (Hahaha "Curb Your Enthusiasm" anyone?). Well I did some thinking and decided to talk more about what brought me here.Video games. I been playing a lot of them lately. I will talk about comics, other geek related thing here and there.
Currently playing Diablo 3, and recently found Metriod Prime games (dirt cheap) for the Gamecube (Oh how people forgot you ^.^). Also I made my choice on the next generation consoles. I am going with Xbox One. "OH NOES!!" you say. I know it been the console that is getting some flack. But to be honest I enjoying what I been hearing about it.I did agrre with policy beside the always online one. It is nice they changed it and listen to people, just hated the face people bitched even more about it.
Also to a shock factor of "SAY WHAT?!!!", my first games are Battlefield 4 (oh yes), Dead Rising 3, and what for it Call of Duty:Ghosts. Yep you heard right, I have express my distaste for CoD a lot of time. I really want to give this one a chance and find out if it really going to change some things. Black Ops II surprised on making some things feel fresh again. I still do not agree with the season pass content though. Battlefield did the same a bit but did make it worth your money. Anyways not to rant again. I will be playing more of the games when I get around to it.
I really want to play Ryse. Game looked glorious when unveiled at the E3 this year. It look like it is a glorious thrill rider to play. I really can't say the same for the other consoles. It just that there not interesting to me. PS4 just seems boring. Don't get me wrong. I find it cool, just feel like it lacking something to me. Wii U, I want one but not enough to invest in it. All I want to play is Wonderful 101. If it had more selling points I would suggest one. Anyways hope to see you guys reading me out there.
Walley the Gaymer
Flaming the internet in a good way.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Monday, September 10, 2012
The Story Thus Far....
Last time I came to my blog it was a bit of a depressing matter for me. I was at crossroad of continuing or just dismantling this page for good but then I forgot altogether and just let it drift away. Things got better for me and I want to share what has been going down for me. I want to continue because I know someone out there likes to read what I have to say. Anyways...let go in depth (or short story this shit).
So after I've stop making post for awhile I decided to finally work harder in obtaining a job (since I never had one and I needed one to help with financial problems). I got a job and it was hell for a bit with the training but I got the job and been doing ever since. It pays good money. I been doing more stuff since I been having money and more happier with things. Yes I have less time for gaming and reading comics but I spend more time hanging out with friends and getting out more. I can say it feels good and a lot more happier.
I got to finally see my favorite band of all time in concert. Yeah that's right you guessed it (or didn't because I never told you) "the B-52's" or for other people that band that made the song "Loveshack" you know this song.
So after I've stop making post for awhile I decided to finally work harder in obtaining a job (since I never had one and I needed one to help with financial problems). I got a job and it was hell for a bit with the training but I got the job and been doing ever since. It pays good money. I been doing more stuff since I been having money and more happier with things. Yes I have less time for gaming and reading comics but I spend more time hanging out with friends and getting out more. I can say it feels good and a lot more happier.
This has been the second concert I attended in my life. First one being Lady Gaga (yes that was awesome as well). But this was the best (maybe because I had fantastic sitting arrangement...thanks Lady Gaga...) concert I ever attended. I don't think I saw one person sitting down for this band. I was dancing and grooving like all the rest. It was a fun night indeed.
Well after that a comic convention was coming up. Heroes Convention in Charlotte. I hesitated at first but then my future brother in law sold me on going because I was going to meet one of my favorite artist for the very first time George Perez'. Also Stan Lee was going to be attending as well. SO it was offer I could not refuse. Heroes Con in Charlotte was a blast. First convention and not the last one. I met some great artist and some really friendly people. Although I got sort of lambasted by Marv Wolfman, which in due fairness he just messed with me a bit. At first I was pissed, then realized he was just doing his job. I will meet again and hopefully get him to sign my Teen Titans comic's. Meeting George will be save for a later post because I have so much to say on the experience. Meeting Stan Lee well you think about it? It was pretty amazing to be close to the guy who created Spider-Man.
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Yep ^.^ |
Well after that experience you could say I was spent (yes financial wise as well ^.^). After a few months of thing dying down of excitement I felt that something was missing. My blog!!!! I was like I made one and I should continue. Here we are my friends. I will try to make more post in between things. I feel good doing this. Also I did not mention the long wait for Doctor Who or anything Doctor Who related. Oh I just did..... Well catch you later.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I am lost.
I have not been recently updating because I feel that I lack the spirit to continue. I been trying to finish some of my post but I just feel like they are not up to par with other fellow bloggers. Mostly people who look at my post are people who are close to me but I want to reach out to others who respect the the things I do. I hope to see my fellow readers not losing hope. I will keep posting but I can not tell you when I will post things. Just keep with me and I will continue bringing you content.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
20 Film I Love Pt. 2
So continuing with my movies list. 17- 15.
17. TRON and TRON: Legacy-I admired one film since I was a kid. I admire the other when I got older. Both films are the some of the best films in science fiction. The story may not blow my mind but it was there shear spectacle of the effects that dazzled me. Looking back n the first one is rather nice to see how technology has evolved since then. Legacy shows how the film evolve with modern time but also keeping the spirit of the original. I do hope see more from the TRON universe. It is one of the only Disney movie I will sit down and watch these days.
16. War of the Gargantuas- This would come to some peoples surprise. Out of all the Toho kaiju films I have to say this my favorite. Why? Because it has some the best kaiju fights I have ever seen in a kaiju film. Also the film itself it is really campy. I seen both version of this film (american and japanese). It also has some really great music from Mr. Akira Ifukube (always one of the best minds in movie music). Also it the movie had the evil kaiju known as Gaira eating humans, which is the first kaiju I seen to do that. Don't believe me, here's a clip.
15. The Big Lebowski- Come on, what do I have to say about this film seriously? It has to be the most bizarre film I seen in awhile. I find it rather bizarre but also very funny. This is the role that defined Jeff Bridges as a household name. Everything about this movie I enjoy. The music, the cast, the comedic timing. It one of those films people have to see a one point in time. If you see this movie I swear you will start using the word dude or man in ever sentence for awhile. I leave you with this clip with the dude abiding.
17. TRON and TRON: Legacy-I admired one film since I was a kid. I admire the other when I got older. Both films are the some of the best films in science fiction. The story may not blow my mind but it was there shear spectacle of the effects that dazzled me. Looking back n the first one is rather nice to see how technology has evolved since then. Legacy shows how the film evolve with modern time but also keeping the spirit of the original. I do hope see more from the TRON universe. It is one of the only Disney movie I will sit down and watch these days.
16. War of the Gargantuas- This would come to some peoples surprise. Out of all the Toho kaiju films I have to say this my favorite. Why? Because it has some the best kaiju fights I have ever seen in a kaiju film. Also the film itself it is really campy. I seen both version of this film (american and japanese). It also has some really great music from Mr. Akira Ifukube (always one of the best minds in movie music). Also it the movie had the evil kaiju known as Gaira eating humans, which is the first kaiju I seen to do that. Don't believe me, here's a clip.
15. The Big Lebowski- Come on, what do I have to say about this film seriously? It has to be the most bizarre film I seen in awhile. I find it rather bizarre but also very funny. This is the role that defined Jeff Bridges as a household name. Everything about this movie I enjoy. The music, the cast, the comedic timing. It one of those films people have to see a one point in time. If you see this movie I swear you will start using the word dude or man in ever sentence for awhile. I leave you with this clip with the dude abiding.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Story I want to share.
So I was heading out of town today with my mother, and traveling to a place were we usually shop every once in awhile. We were coming up on something that always caught my attention. It was a Gorilla statue on top a metal post and a sign for a couple of places for tires and what not right next to it. The gorilla has been up there for years, I see it every time I go down the highway we always take. Unfortunately it was taken down when we went through today. I was really sadden because it had a special place in my mind. Why? Well I will answer that with a very short story.
When I was old enough to remember I was always fascinated with dinosaurs, robots, and mostly science fiction things. When we traveled one day I saw it (the statue) and it caught my eye, I ask my mom what it was. She said it was King Kong. I was never heard of King Kong until that day. I ask mom if she would get me a King Kong, as a little kid I was just a boy with a vivid imagination. So mom decides to rent me King Kong (1976 version), seeing the case made me wonder more and more about what I was about to see. That night I was watching it and of course the talking parts bored me as a kid, but when the big reveal of King Kong was shown I was terrified but excited at the same time. It was like nothing I ever seen before. I'd relished every moment of watching the movie and I think I was going to ruin the tape. Every time I went by the building I would always get excited of seeing and remembering how Kong climb the World Trade Center. Then it came a step up to seeing Godzilla movies and some other one I don't remember much of.
If it was not for that Gorilla I would never got into the whole giant monster (kaiju) films. I really think those type of films sparked the imagination that I use to this day. Seeing the gorilla was gone made me really sad but at the same time it left me with great memories to think about. I tried to find pictures to show but it rather to find it. I hope someday I come back through it will return. I only hope, thanks for listening to my bizarre story. Remember the military can never stop a giant monster attack.
When I was old enough to remember I was always fascinated with dinosaurs, robots, and mostly science fiction things. When we traveled one day I saw it (the statue) and it caught my eye, I ask my mom what it was. She said it was King Kong. I was never heard of King Kong until that day. I ask mom if she would get me a King Kong, as a little kid I was just a boy with a vivid imagination. So mom decides to rent me King Kong (1976 version), seeing the case made me wonder more and more about what I was about to see. That night I was watching it and of course the talking parts bored me as a kid, but when the big reveal of King Kong was shown I was terrified but excited at the same time. It was like nothing I ever seen before. I'd relished every moment of watching the movie and I think I was going to ruin the tape. Every time I went by the building I would always get excited of seeing and remembering how Kong climb the World Trade Center. Then it came a step up to seeing Godzilla movies and some other one I don't remember much of.
The Cover that sparked it all. |
If it was not for that Gorilla I would never got into the whole giant monster (kaiju) films. I really think those type of films sparked the imagination that I use to this day. Seeing the gorilla was gone made me really sad but at the same time it left me with great memories to think about. I tried to find pictures to show but it rather to find it. I hope someday I come back through it will return. I only hope, thanks for listening to my bizarre story. Remember the military can never stop a giant monster attack.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Here to a new year.
I hope everyone that reads my blog has a great night and a great year ahead of you. I will be spending the night watching the final episodes of Battlestar Galactica. Pretty much getting my mind blown, I should have my last words on it soon. Also got a great concept for some Star Trek fan fiction, also my New Warriors post is going to be up later this week. Making a new comic check list for this year, time to finish my collection of Booster Gold. I hope to obtain new readers this year.
Also here's to more Doctor Who. 2013, will be the 50 years of our time travel alien and his many adventures. So if you like my page. Thanks for the support that you readers given me. I hope that you tell your friends and family that appreciate the nerd and geek-dom I given. I may not be the best writer to come to blog scene. But I love to write about my passion to others. Have a great 2012.
Also here's to more Doctor Who. 2013, will be the 50 years of our time travel alien and his many adventures. So if you like my page. Thanks for the support that you readers given me. I hope that you tell your friends and family that appreciate the nerd and geek-dom I given. I may not be the best writer to come to blog scene. But I love to write about my passion to others. Have a great 2012.
Stay golden readers ^.^ |
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Tonight I will be enjoying the Doctor Who Christmas Special with some friends and family. I hope my fellow readers will have a safe and great time this weekend. I will post my opinions on the special later and also trying to wrap up Battlestar Galactica. Also I finish reading my collection so far on "The New Warriors". Still debating my top 20 films, so if you been waiting for that. It is going to take longer than expected. So have fun and stay safe. A happy new years to my fellow reader and happy holigays!!! ^.^
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To my fellow whovians. |
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