It is not that I don't care to keep up with a blog. It is just a lot has happened in only in matter of months. First off last month a tornado ripped through North Carolina and damaged our house including my room so I had to temporary stay with my mother (had no internet where she was). Out of this absence I have been catching up on my PS2 games and of course I could not miss my new season of Doctor Who. I am really enjoying this season and it is a bummer I have to wait another week for the next episode due to memorial day (ugh). But to the more serious matter, it really hit me hard these tornado have been ravaging across countless states taking away lifes and homes. I was forunate but I will never be the same. I do show all my compassion towards those who have suffered a far greater deal. It was a truly terrifying experience I never want to experience again.
I will be posting again now and I wanted to explain why I have been on such absent hiatus. I am more committed to this blog. I am back and ready to get things back up. Once piece at a time.