Friday, November 18, 2011

The Doctor is coming to town!!!

Really funny that I did a new post yesterday on my thought on the six season of "Doctor Who" and I was talking about looking forward to the christmas special. Well the wait just got longer for me since the trailer for the special was released today. All I have to say my fellow Whovians I hope you will be having a awesome christmas night chomping on jelly babies and drinking some good old hot tea and watching this. With no further ado here is the trailer.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Birthday RuPaul!!!!

51 years old and still a fierce diva. This will be a short blog post for today. I just wanted to say my regards to one of the most influential people in the LGBT community.  Divine paved the way for drag being mainstream but Ru gave more meaning to the art of drag as well as Divine. Ru inspired in a little way to embrace that diva side and show I can be fearless and go out and be who I want to be. So happy birthday you fierce bitch!! I live you with this.

Doctor Who: The Six Season/Series Opinions

Doctor Who sixth season ended awhile back but now I thought I would take out the chance and gave my opinion on how I felt this season ended and some of my favorite episodes. First off the season finale was really done well and left you wanting more. I will not spoil what happens but it made me have a lot of WTF moments. It seems like the next season will deal with more of the Doctor past before we all knew him as the Doctor and hopefully answer a lot of questions. Now for my favorite episodes. I have to say the opening episodes were really good. Especially "The Doctor's Wife", not only was it written by Neil Gaiman (which he wrote DC Vertigo's series "The Sandman") it made the Tardis have a speaking presence and physical body and I thought it was nice to finally to see why The Doctor and Tardis are so close. "The Almost People" was one of favorites of two parters episodes because of The Doctor having a flesh copy of himself and when he was going through previous incarnations of Doctor quotes (and yes he quoted Tom Baker's jelly babies it made me squeal). Not only the episode had a sort of sad ending it to it which led into the next episode. "Let's Kill Hitler" was a great mid-season open episode, trying my best to not spoil anything on that but I really want a sonic cane after seeing that episode.  "Night Terrors" was a freaky episode, especially the dolls that would do creepy voices and touch you and turn you into one of them. The dolls reminded me of the creepy porcelain dolls that my aunt collected. I hate those things and after seeing that episode I definitely hate them. But the episode was really good.

"Closing Time" is my favorite of the six season/series. Why? It was well written and the humor was top notch, but it brought back a old foe. The Cybermats are brought back after decades of not being seen in Doctor Who episode in awhile. I really like the chemistry between The Doctor and Craig, they connect well and the humor they produce is brilliant. I definitely found this one of my favorite side character episodes. Then it all leads up to "The Wedding of River Song", now I want say much on this. Not because I don't like it, I just don't want to spoil the season finale. All I can say is that definitely messed with the viewer (well me personally) and had a lot of surprises. I been suffering through no new episodes of Doctor Who....totally depressing. Although the Christmas special will be coming on in the next month ^.^ So see you then and remember to discuss your opinions in the comments.

Friday, November 11, 2011

20 Films I Love pt.1

I really want to make a list of film I could never get tired. I do count a Trilogy a one film because they all connect in one big movie. I hope when I post this people will at least a couple of these films or comment on there love or dislike for the film. I will try to remain spoiler free.

20. Aliens- As much as I like the first film this one was the one I always came back to watch. Why? Because it had some of best scenes in science fiction cinema. Sigourney Weaver was at her prime in this film and it showed really well, she made a stand for all those girls of women always being in distress. I think this movie got better with age, also Bill Paxton was another favorite in the film especially in the film when they are surrounded be the aliens. Also when I was kid the radar noise freaked me out because you knew someone was going to bite the dust. Only bad I had was Newt but in after seeing the film again she added to humanity of Ripley. Last but not least the Queen is still of one favorite special effects creature in cinema. This want be the last James Cameron film on the list, and no not Avatar.....(Note that I am looking forward to Aliens: Colonial Marines, game looks pretty radical)

19.Pee Wee's Big Adventure- What can I say? It one of those movies that always manages to make me laugh and also has one of the creepiest scene I had ever seen with clowns. This movie makes me ffel like kid again when I watch it. I never really grew up with Pee Wee to be honest, I caught he tv show saw later in syndication on some channel after school .  But I hear to talk about the film, it has some of the most iconic scenes in my knowledge of history of cinema. I always loved the bar dance sequence, still to this day I would love to do that. It was one of Tim Burton film I loved before goth kids like all of his other films. Another one of his films pops up in my list, but it is mostly one people don't talk about. Pee Wee's Big Adventure will remain that comedy I watch every once in awhile and let the good time's roll.
                                                       Tried to find a good one, but it manages.

18.Superman 2- Before I go ahead with this one I have to say I confused on the different cuts on the film so I will be doing the main film itself.  First and for most I love Terrence Stamp as General Zod, I think he define the role of what a villain is. Still one of my favorite performance of his beside him in Priscilla: Queen of the Desert (another film you should watch). So let get to the other parts, I think Christopher Reeve molded what I thought of Superman. The hero who push his limit to protect his adopted planet and who made me believe I could someday fly (childhood ^.^). The film did have it flaws non the less, with the kiss that makes PEOPLE FORGET YOU ARE SUPERMAN!!! I honestly thought that idea should of been scrapped. Other than that I leave with this.
                                                                         Gets me chills.

So I think I will leave other part for later. I still sorting out and debating with keep reading and hopefully part two will be up this week.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Battlefield 3

   I was a late bloomer in Battlefield, I started with Battlefield 2142 (still consider my favorite). I stop playing for awhile and when obtain a Xbox 360 I had got into Call Of Duty. After playing the many incarnations of the series it was time to play something new. I play BF: Bad Company a year ago, I was very late with it. I quickly grew back to BF franchise and got addicted BC 2 (late on that one as well). So knowing Battlefield 3 was coming out, I had to pre-order it. I played the beta and was rather dismissive about buying but know it was not the final product of the game I still had hopes.

  BF 3 delievers a lot more than the beta did. Campaign wise, the game was really good and I thought it was a lot more believable than the BC games. It felt like you were thrust into a actual combat scenario and some parts were a little boring and bland but the game was never for single player really. Multiplayer is where the game shines (now I have not played the PC counterpart, so this is strictly console-wise). I found it really addictive to get attachments for weapons and leveling up to get more weapons. Vehicles add to depth to game as well, but let me say the jets take some time to get use. It really fun to see yourself soar through the air, or crash in trying to learn the controls. The maps are actually bigger than I thought, some are small but it make it a lot better for pace. I had a couple of problems with the game but it seem like DICE is working around the clock to keep things working to standards of gamers and that I appreciate. The beta problems I had seem to be none existent in the actual product.

  Now I want to clarify that I really enjoy both BF and CoD series. But at the end of the day I am going with Battlefield. It is more of my type of shooter, CoD is more of a fast paced quick reaction game and can go lone wolf. Battlefield 3 punishes you for not being a team player, I like to talk about where a sniper is and spotting them for a partner to snipe out. It is more of slow pace game just to clarify and it takes some time getting use to. I played CoD for so long that it really started to rub off and stop getting suckered in buying another one every year. That how I feel about Sports games as well....seriously who buy Madden every year? Just buy one and stick with it. Getting off track now, but all in all Battlefield 3 is the best shooter I played this year so far. I have not delve into Modern Warfare 3 and probably will way later on.

So see you folks on the battlefield ^.^
Will ever see another one? I hope so.