Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brocolli!!! and Activision stupidity.

    Another apology for being late with another post but been swept up in a lot of things. Mostly MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3!!!! Yeah got it in on opening day and it is awesome. Probably write a post about it soon or I may end up being lazy again. I been caught up in Law and Order SVU too, great show and I been watching a lot of crime thrillers and television shows about crime solving. Oh I forgot to mention I been talking to a guy I had my eye on. Super excited to see where that goes. So any ways I wanted to talk about something that really pisses me off and that is Activision, you know the game company who kept spamming the hell out of Guitar Hero games. Trust me it not about that game series. Its more on the Call Of Duty series.

    Don't get me wrong I love Call of Duty but Activision really needs to stop charging 15 bucks for lack lusting content.  I have not bought the new map pack because it is a waste of money. I mean 4 maps and one Zombie map that people will probably never play. Does anyone remember World at War map packs? They were 800MS points and 10 bucks on Playstation Network. That is before the whole Modern Warfare 2 stuff with the whole lawsuit. I paid for both of those map packs and deeply regretted it....especially when the game developers did nothing to stop people hacking crap. Call of Duty 4 was thing that got me started with console online gaming and now Activision screws people over because they know they can. Well I am not being screwed over anymore. Oh and guess what another Call Of Duty game is coming out this year!!!! Sounds like the Guitar Hero franchise huh?

                                                          Thanks Activision ^.^

   Yes I am ranting by the way because this is crap. I remember when games gave you value content that kept you playing for months or years. EA games never charged me 15 bucks for Mass Effect 2 add on that only had a new costume. Now Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam add on is a way different story then Call of Duty add on. They actually give you a new expansion campaign and multiplayer maps and new guns and vehicles. Now why can Treyarch do some new gun add ons with the map packs and bring some new perks into play? "Oh no there Walley we can't just tell Activision we want to put value in our content" and I not putting the blame on Treyarch because they work for Activision, Activision looks over  them and can value the add on however they want..... Another thing is why can't you just release the same day on the PS3, because we are in day and age of people still fighting over what console is superior and it does help when you play favoritism. It starts gamers arguing with one another and building fuel to the fire.

   Okay time to calm down and finish this post with a positive output. I really wish the best for Call of Duty franchise but I am not playing any more incarnations. I want to play Modern Warfare 3 to finish the story but I may just borrow it from someone. I hope (not putting much hope into it) that Activision would stop screwing over consumers. Oh by the way almost done with the Fifth series of Doctor Who!!! So be on the look out for that. Oh and for the people hoping to hear about Brocolli, unfortunately I forgot it in my rage of ranting. So stay tuned for more content.

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