I heard about the news awhile back and I said some of my opinions on the pictures. This would be my first major blog post about comics. I never really knew where to start on a topic about comics until now. In September, DC Comics is making a fresh start with there comics. I think it is a double edge sword. It could work and bring in new fans and alienate old fans or it can win over the old fans and also bring in newer ones. My take on this is mixed but I am excited to see what comes out of this. It is a risky move that DC is taking but I am all for it. I do see the point of long term fans that grew up with DC long before I was born. Don't you think when "Crisis on Infinite Earths" happened a lot of fans were pissed off. Killing heroes and villains and starting somewhere new. I know "Infinite Crisis" did the same thing again and a lot of people afterwards was happy. DC is know for changing things and gambling with there fan base. So that is why I am not on the offence to this change.
The new JLI, loving Booster Gold. |
I do see the point of many of the hardcore fan base and I know if I every got into a heated debate I could not try to disagree. I have got immensely confused with a lot of continuity problem that arose because I came into DC in my later years. After learning more of the DC the other heroes beside the big three (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman). Now that this reboot is coming along I am really excited. The JLI (Justice League International) is coming back, Hawk and Dove!!!, Animal Man, Red Lanterns, Fire Storm, and a lot more I can not name right now. Just a couple of things that have made me get a little mad is that Hawk and Dove are finally coming back but why the (pardon for the language) fuck is Rob Liefield doing the art. Liefield is infamous for his character doing impossible anatomical moves and just really dislike his style and I believe it one of things that going to ruin it for me. The story can be top notch but the art also has to make me want to read too. Another thing is I do not like the new Firestorm look, sort of like Hawk and Dove issues but I really can not wait to see what new adventure lie ahead for one of my favorite DC heroes. The JLI teams is awesome but could deal with having the Blue Beetle and Mister Miracle (another favorite) on the team.
I am looking forward to this gamble DC is doing but at the same time I dreading it. It could cause a lot of backlash but I think fans should try and read a couple of issue of these new rebooted issues. I do think that DC knows if this fails that they create a story saying this could a alternate universe. But all will tell in September. I am looking forward to it.
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